Nakamura Jakuemon (中村雀右衛門)

Jakuemon NAKAMURA is a Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) actor's professional name. The stage family name is Kyoya. The present is the fourth. The Jomon (family crest) is Kyoya Musubi (literally, Kyoya's knot) and the Kaemon (alternate personal crest) is Mukai Suzume (literally, two opposite sparrows).

Jakuemon NAKAMURA (the first)

The stage family name was Edoya. His haimyo (also known as haimei, a kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used officially and privately) was Shibato (芝斗). Former the first Shibazo NAKAMURA (中村芝蔵).

Jakuemon NAKAMURA (the second)

The stage family name was Kyoya. His haimyo was Shibato and Umezu. Former the second Shibazo NAKAMURA and the second Shibajaku NAKAMURA.

Jakuemon NAKAMURA (the third)

He was a son of Risho ARASHI. The stage family name was Kyoya. His haimyo was Umezu and Shibato. Former the fourth Shibajaku NAKAMURA.

Jakuemon NAKAMURA (the fourth)

He is the oldest son of Tomoemon OTANI (the sixth). Hirotaro OTANI and former the seventh Tomoemon OTANI.

[Original Japanese]